Saturday, June 4, 2011

death poems for loved ones

death poems for loved ones. Expression of love
  • Expression of love

  • ColoJohnBoy
    Sep 22, 07:08 PM
    Not to be another bitchy Apple addict, but it's iMac. A single capital letter. Aesthetics are important not only in the computer but the name. :)

    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones.
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  • greenbobb
    Mar 28, 08:44 AM
    after all this hype if iOS 5 is just a small improvement that would be ludicrous.

    When has Apple ever made anything more than "just a small improvement"?

    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones.
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  • Dooger
    Mar 24, 02:49 AM



    Seems a bit hypocritical of Buddhist Steve Jobs to be embracing peace on one hand while providing support for the brutal "shock and awe" merchants on the other.

    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones
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  • dicklacara
    Mar 24, 10:32 AM
    I'm all for more agencies adopting Macs! Heck, one day we might be able to classify them as switchers :D

    Nah... based on military policy we wouldn't even hear of them... know... Switch But Don't Tell!



    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones
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  • danielbriggs
    Nov 21, 04:40 PM
    This is nothing new...

    I used those devices in last year for my GCSE courwork (15-16 yrs old). I used them in a drinks cooler / heat thingy.

    I won't ramble on about my product, but: The devices are called "Thermo electric coolers. i.e. TEC's

    And they offer 3 functions.

    1. The cool something.
    2. They heat something.
    3. They produce electricity.

    This heat / cooling effect is called the Peltier effect (some French guy) and some people call these things peltiers etc.

    They work, buy passing a relativly large current 3-20 amps, depending on wattage. to draw heat from one side to another basically. one side is -10 degrees c. The other is +80 degrees c. However, if you don't power them and instead create a temperature difference, i.e. stick ontop of a hot computer chip. You wil have set up a temperature gradient. So it will generate electricity. Typically you get around 4ma per 1 degree C. So nothing huge, unless they have refined them. So in this case, the bigger the delta T, the more power. I guess it could power a fan then! Seem's easily possilbe, but I wouldn't expect battery life to be much more than 30 mins at most extra. As 1 fan doesn't draw THAT much power!

    Still a good idea though!

    If anyone else has any questions, on how they work, images, tech drawing, or my product, i'm happy to answer them all!

    BTW: Forgot to add, the generating electricity idea, from one of these, is called the "Seebeck Effect"

    Dan :-)

    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones.
  • death poems for loved ones.

  • brasscat
    Mar 13, 02:06 PM
    So who is going out today to try and find one? I personally think the chances are slim to none.

    If history is going to repeat itself with this iPad launch, the Apple stores will trickle in 10 or so units every day until the initial demand is met. It will be very difficult to get one for a while (I'd say for at least a couple months), unless you're willing to call every Apple store in your area every day in hopes to reserve one before others do.

    I've resigned myself to the simpler option: I've ordered online with a three-four week delivery timeframe. And with that I feel like I'm evolving.


    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones
  • death poems for loved ones

  • big
    Sep 13, 06:25 PM
    can we jump ship already? would this effectively turn apple into a microsoft like corp?

    in any instance, they certainly are doing well, apple just can not seem to beat this speed thing.

    anyone remember an article about the difference between risk & sisk processors? It talked about windows boxes the windows processors doing just what they are no...getting enough speed to keep going, but will be limited in pushing ghz further than they really are now (ie, they could never get to 8-10 ghz with them)

    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones
  • death poems for loved ones

  • DPinTX
    Mar 11, 01:52 PM
    Can you ask if they have instructions from AT&T for moving grandfathered unlimited plans to the iPad2?:)

    I asked for you was told that it's linked to your login ID not the device. So you would just go to configuration / cellular Data and login



    death poems for loved ones. the death of his friend,
  • the death of his friend,

  • Dooger
    Mar 20, 07:30 AM
    Everyone seems so shocked by the minor discount they don't stop to think a little broader...

    ....this probably means Apple is already pricing these exceptionally low and can't discount them any more than that.

    Further I seem to recall the iPhone and iTouch weren't available for volume or educational purchasing for quite some time... I know they weren't available through bussiness accounts for a quite some time.

    The other thing this suggests is that there won't be a $100 price drop in 3-6 months like there was on the iPhone... if they were to be able to drop the pricing that much in the near future they'd offer education a bigger discount now.

    Finally for those that don't see why these would be a boon for universities... most students going into university already have laptop, they don't really want to buy new laptops through their university. Requiring all incoming students but a $500 iPad is a lot more palatable than requiring they all by $2000 laptops. Having the entire student body standardized on one platform is huge for teachers and authors.

    What drugs are you taking? Have you been to university? How is a student supposed to do a dissertation on a glorified iPhone? I'm doing an MSc and I need stats software, a pdf viewer and word running concurrently. As for the $2k laptop? Try $999 for a MB (less with a student discount)

    I don't have a huge problem with apple offering these to schools but the price is far too steep. If they do somehow manage to crowbar their iPads into schools they'll be indoctrinating the younger generation into apple computing whilst still shifting units for a hefty mark-up. Good work apple, but you should twist the knife a little more and make the schools pay for the shipping.

    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones
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  • domness
    Aug 25, 04:41 AM
    I think this new feature is genius! Whats better than scrolling through status updates just to see that your friend may be just down the road at the local pub?

    - People who are worried about security and privacy.. well just don't use the 'Places' feature.. You're not being forced to!

    - This is a great take on Foursquare, despite Foursquare being the better of the two, as Facebook obviously has a lot more users! I'll definitely be using Places as soon as it's rolled out to the UK.


    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones.
  • death poems for loved ones.

  • AdeFowler
    Mar 28, 08:48 AM
    after all this hype if iOS 5 is just a small improvement that would be ludicrous.

    What hype? :confused:

    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones
  • death poems for loved ones

  • Hrududu
    May 2, 05:31 PM
    How much RAM do you have? In my Late 2009 MBP, whenever I play in the 9400m(256 mb ram), it changes the quality to low, which is still pretty good IMO. Just more cartoony, thats all. Im guessing you will have to play on low though, but you *shouldn't* have a problem.
    I've got the full 3GB that it'll recognize. I'm mostly concerned about the old video card.


    death poems for loved ones. wedding thank you poems
  • wedding thank you poems

  • tyr2
    Sep 20, 01:50 PM
    I've read the various comments about problems with the updates with RAID 0. Can anyone confirm if the update goes ok on RAID 1? I would think it would since from a boot point of view they might as well be individual disks.

    Any comments before I try this?

    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones
  • death poems for loved ones

  • MonkeySee....
    Mar 28, 08:18 AM
    I can't upgrade my phone untill sept so if they can hold off the release of the iPhone 5 i'd be super greatful :D


    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones.
  • death poems for loved ones.

  • JDDavis
    Mar 4, 03:11 PM
    I went out to make use of the first bit of sunshine I've seen for ages:

    I like the idea a lot. Great interpretation. I agree with Dale that an older style watch might make it an even stronger shot. Something a bit more classic with mechanical movement...though I do appreciate the contrast between the sundail and digital. I also wonder how a rectangular crop would look that brought us in closer to the sundail and the watch.

    death poems for loved ones. love is still our guide,
  • love is still our guide,

  • EJBasile
    Sep 14, 08:48 PM
    EJBasile: for the record, do you know what happens when you ask for extra anesthesia before surgery? :) ;)

    it's a rare moment that someone is awake through surgery. usually, i understand, it's a result of a specific patient's reaction to anesthesia, not the administration of it.

    of course, that didn't stop me from expressing my fears, the last time I was under :) the anesthesiologist was very thorough, he has clearly answered that question a lot.

    You can't ask for extra anesthesia. Unless you want a better chance of killing yourself. Anesthesiology is actually not exactly entirely a science, it has quite a bit of technique to it. You can awake from surgery if you have a reaction to it, but if you don't get enough, that can also make you awake. You aren't fully awake. Your conscious, but your movement is inhibited. Just like if you take 1mg of Alegra it won't do anything, but if you take 180mg of Alegra, it will work (unless it just doesn't work for you).

    There have been few reports of people remembering what happens though. For instance a lady getting her appendix out, another one getting her eye removed (thats gotta hurt), and another lady having some kind of tooth surgery.


    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones
  • death poems for loved ones

  • John.B
    Mar 13, 01:28 PM
    Is it possible that 4.2.6 and 4.3 have different DST settings? Sure. Unlikely? You bet. Odds are we're seeing an issue with carriers and it localized in spots.
    My work phone is with Sprint (WinMo), and it adjusted two hours forward. :confused:

    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones.
  • death poems for loved ones.

  • racer1441
    Apr 24, 08:23 PM
    15 inch version.

    Price is no problem.

    death poems for loved ones. death poems for loved ones
  • death poems for loved ones

  • timmillwood
    Oct 10, 07:32 AM
    Good news? or bad news?

    What does this mean to us?

    Mar 26, 03:47 PM
    Publicity stunt?

    Feb 26, 05:10 PM
    Where's Bill Gates?

    Feb 23, 12:35 PM
    In-app purchase can be disabled using parental control. This is stupid. I expect my tax to be used by my government to tackle bigger problems, oh maybe like jobs and the economy, not to appease some idiot "parents."

    Oct 6, 11:17 AM
    I'm not saying its a necessity I'm just saying Apple's curve of sales is going up while Nokia and other manufactures are losing sales with the model suggested in the article.

    I'm not saying Apple couldn't pull it of, maybe they can I'm just saying I'm skeptical of this report. That's all :)

    You are pulling figures out of thin-air. Where is your proof that the reason Nokia and other manufactures aren't doing well is because they have more than one type of phone?

    Oct 25, 05:06 PM
    a what from the cashier?
    A and I are pretty far away on a normal keyboard.. so he must mean wink..

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